As the number of COVID-19 cases keeps increasing, it is extremely important to know and follow the accurate guidelines. Here, we will share coronavirus tips with you in order to protect yourself from the disease. The coronavirus guidelines will help you take precautions and make lifestyle changes to keep yourself safe.
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Coronavirus tips
Here is a list of coronavirus tips that you need to follow in order to maintain safety and stop virus spread:
Preventing susceptibility among elderly
The average death cases across the world report that the majority of people are above the age of 60. Many adults who have risks like lung disorder, diabetes, heart conditions, are more susceptible to having a severe impact. Life after ventilation can create havoc until the time of passing.
In order to maintain safety for the elderly, it is important to follow lockdown measures even after it is lifted. Children should take care of their aging parents in order to reduce their chances or moving about. People who must go to work have to follow safety protocols like wearing masks, face shields, and gloves.
Boost immunity
While there are potential research and development going around across many parts of the world, there isn’t a definite vaccine that can cure coronavirus right now. Oxford University is going through research that might have the potential to kill the virus.
Until a potential coronavirus vaccine is available to the masses, we need to follow ways to boost the immune system. In order to do so, we have must add immune-boosting foods in our diet. For example, garlic, turmeric, citrus fruits, bell peppers, spinach, broccoli, almonds, yogurt, and more. It is also necessary to keep your blood circulation intact and exercising regularly. Maintaining good health will help you create antibodies that can naturally fight the virus. The healthier you are, the fewer chances of having a severe impact due to COVID-19.
Maintaining distance
Coronavirus transmission is possible mainly from one person to another. You need to keep away by six feet from another person when you’re outdoors. The virus spread is possible via respiratory droplets that come out from a person who sneezes, coughs, or talks. The droplet can land in the mouth or nose of another person who inhaled in through their lungs.
COVID-19 can also spread from someone who doesn’t see the symptoms at all. This means you could be next to someone who has coronavirus, but he/she is unaware due to their strong immune system. You need to stay away from people in and make sure you always have your protective gear on. In cases where social distancing is not possible, you have to depend on the coronavirus tips and safety measures.
Coronavirus guidelines
According to the coronavirus tips, you need to wash your hands regularly and wear a mask when stepping out. To wash your hands, you need to spare at least 20 seconds after visiting a public place. If you blow your nose, cough, or sneeze, wash hands immediately. If you don’t have soap and water, make sure you have a hand sanitizer. The alcohol content in the product should be 60% or more. Rub your hands until they feel dry and try to mindfully avoid touching your nose, mouth, and eyes with uncleaned hands.
You need to avoid close contact with people who are sick, even if you live with them. A sick member should stay at least six feet away from another family member. Keep away from large gatherings and crowded places.
Using protective gear
You need to always cover your nose and mouth when you’re among more people. It is not only about your safety but about the people around you. If you don’t the recommended N95 face mask, you should have a cloth-covered across your nose and mouth. When you go to the grocery store to buy necessities or a pharmacy to get medicines, you must use the cover at all times.
Face covering should not be given to children who are two-year-old or younger. People who have a breathing problems or feel unconscious should not wear masks without assistance.
Don’t use face masks that are designed for healthcare workers. The market shouldn’t fall short of those masks. Try to buy clot-based masks or N95 masks and maintain distance.
Cover your cough and sneeze
If you’re at home, you won’t wear a mask. But you still have to cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. Use a tissue before you cough or sneeze and if you don’t have anything handy, use your elbow. Throw the tissues in trash and wash your hands immediately.
Disinfect your surrounding
Disinfect your home and keep it clean at all times. You need to deep clean your tables, light switches, doorknobs, handles, desks, light switches, keyboards, phones, faucets, toilets, sinks, and more.
Clean the surface if it is dirty and use a detergent soap with water before you disinfect it. Next, use your household disinfectant – try to use an EPA-registered product for best results.
Keep a check on your health
One of the most important coronavirus tips in to be alert of the symptoms. If you have a fever, dry cough, breathlessness, and other symptoms, you need to get a test done immediately. When you are constantly around people due to work, you need to keep a check on your health regularly.
If you see symptoms of COVID-19 you must take your temperature first. Make sure you don’t check before 30 minutes of exercising or taking medications that can lower the temperature.
Using sanitizers safely
One of the coronavirus tips to stay protected is cleaning hands frequently. The best way to do so is by using alcohol-based sanitizers or with plain soap and water. When using soap and water, you must take 20 seconds to thoroughly wash your hands. When using sanitizers, you need to take precautions like:
- Keeping alcohol-based sanitizers out of the reach of children. You need to teach them how to use it properly and monitor their usage.
- Add a pea-size amount of the sanitizer to your hands and rub it well until it dries up
- Don’t touch the eyes, nose or mouth right after using the sanitizer as it may cause irritation
- Alcohol-based sanitizers are flammable so you shouldn’t go near fire right after using it
- Make sure no one drinks a hand sanitizer by mistake as it can be poisonous
If washing hands with soap and water seem better to you, do that more often and skip sanitizers completely. However, hand sanitizers are a feasible option when you’re outdoor. Also, you can have a personal sanitizer that no one else uses apart from you.
How does COVID-19 spread?
There are a number of ways by which coronavirus can spread. It is important to note them in order to maintain the best safety standards. Read the following to have an in-depth idea of how the virus can spread:
- CDC states that the virus can spread mostly from one person to another. Thus, people who come in close contact with you can make you susceptible to most risks. You are supposed to maintain at least six feet distance from another person in order to not let their respiratory droplets infect you through sneezing, coughing, spitting, or talking. When droplets land in the mouth, nose, or eyes of the other person from an infected one, the chances of contamination is high. If the virus in inhaled it goes into the lungs and creates havoc. People who don’t have symptoms of COVID-19 can also spread the virus.
- CDC also states that someone can get infected with corona if they touch a surface that has the virus on it. After touching a surface, if you touch your nose, mouth or eyes, you can give way to the virus spread.
Coronavirus tips to protect yourself
How to protect yourself from coronavirus according to CDC:
- Make a routine to wash your hands every hour for at least 20 seconds. If you’ve been in a public place, wash your hands immediately after your indoors. Wash hands after blowing nose, sneezing or coughing. Use sanitizers that have more than 60% alcohol content cleaning hands to alternate with soap and water.
- Consciously avoid touching mouth, nose, eyes, with unwashed hands
- Practice physical distancing by staying six feet away from others if you at all have to be out in the public.
- Use a face cover for your nose and mouth when you are around other people and when you need to step out. The face cover will keep others safe in case you’re affected. Children below two-years-old should not wear a mask and children shouldn’t be left unattended when wearing it.
- Use a tissue to cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough. Throw it away immediately. Sneeze onto your elbow and not hands if you don’t have a tissue.
- Clean the surfaces you touch every day. It includes doorknobs, tables, switches, light, handles, computers, phones, desks, sinks, keyboard, faucet, toilet, countertops, and more.
What to do if you have coronavirus?
You need to detect the symptoms of COVID-19 in order to understand if you need to get a test done or not. The symptoms are:
- Cough
- Fever
- Breathlessness
- Fatigue
- Body aches
- Chills
- Headache
- Loss of smell
- Sore throat
- Nausea
- Diarrhea
The symptoms of coronavirus can seem like pneumonia, septic shock, respiratory failure, and be as severe as death. Complications in coronavirus can be due to cytokine storm. It happens when an infection triggers the immune system and floods your bloodstream with inflammatory proteins known as cytokines. The condition can kill tissues and damage organs. You need medical help right away if you have severe symptoms like:
- Ongoing chest pain
- Breathing difficulty
- Difficulty in waking up from sleep
- Confusion and uneasiness
- Bluish lips or pale face
Stroke is also a complication that people can have due to coronavirus.
Remember FAST
- F for face – check is one the concerned person’s face is numb or drooping or is their smile lopsided
- A for arms – see if the arm feels week or does one arm sag when they try to lift both
- S for speech – are they being to speak clearly. Ask them to repeat what they just said to check on this
- T for time – every minute is precious when someone has a stroke. So, call 911 immediately if the symptoms show.
Symptoms of COVID-19 can take anywhere between 2 to 14 days to show up. It differs from one person to another. Some people might be asymptomatic and not show any symptoms at all. They are more dangerous as they might spread the virus without knowing.
According to China, these are the percentages of people who had these symptoms for sure:
- 99% of people have a fever
- 70% have fatigue
- 59% of people have a cough
- 40% loss of appetite
- 35% of people have body ache
- 27% have mucus or phlegm
- 31% feel breathless
In severe cases, people might have blood clots in their arteries, legs, and lungs.
What to do if you are infected?
If you don’t feel home and have symptoms of coronavirus, you need to stay home. Even mild symptoms like headache, runny nose, can be signs of being infected. It allows doctors to treat people who are severe while you quarantine and treat yourself. Stay in a separate room and use a separate washroom.
Call a doctor if you have breathing issues. You might be shifted to an emergency ward and need immediate testing and treatment done. You have to follow what your doctor suggests to you in order to heal and keep others away from having the virus.