QA Apple Tim Twerdahl Siri Remote

QA Apple Tim Twerdahl Siri Remote: All Info Revealed!

If you are an Apple TV user, you probably have had an issue with your Siri remote not having an AirTag. And you are...
Stardew Stingray

Stardew Stingray: Know It Before You Play The Game!

Have you heard of the very interesting and interactive game, Stardew Valley? It is a video game that revolves around a story, basically making...
where does fgteev live

Where Does Fgteev Live?

  Before getting to know where does fgteev live, we need to know what exactly fgteev is. FGTEEV aka FGTeev family is a well-known YouTube...
nick eh 30 net worth

Nick Eh 30 Net Worth: Who Is He? Why is He Famous?

Another one of the famous YouTubers! You might know him; that is why you are here to know more about him as well as...
on demand food delivery app

Food Delivery App Development: Models and Steps (2020)

Life is busy. With hectic work-from-home routines (been almost a year since COVID-19 has restricted going to workplaces for the majority of us), it...
Top 3 Parental control apps in 2020

Top 3 Parental control apps in 2020

Parental control apps are those apps that can be used by parent device to monitor the internet access on kid’s phone. This app is...
Swift and Objective-C

The Pros and Cons of iOS Development On Swift and Objective-C

When developers start developing an app, there are many decisions ahead of them. One of the first and most crucial decisions is which programming...
Power Of Logistics Applications

The Power Of Logistics Applications

In today’s fast moving world, there is no scope for delays and slow actions. Everything needs to be fast and accurate. Being fast is...
Swift Design Patterns

Important Swift Design Patterns for iOS App Development

App DevelopmentApp DevelopmentSwift, which made its appearance in 2014, has solidified its foundation for being one of the most widely used and widely used...