head injury

Proving That You Have a Head Injury

Receiving a head injury can lead to lasting effects that can hinder the quality of your life. Oftentimes, head injuries are not always physically present if you need to prove it in a court of law. Receiving a head injury whenever you are working somewhere or if someone else’s negligence caused it can mean that you will be eligible to sue for compensation. There are more reasons than one on why you would want to sue over a head injury and you will need to find a head injury lawyer that you can trust. Thankfully, we have some more information on proving that you have a head injury to improve the chances of your case.

Defining Brain Injury

Head injuries more often than not lead to brain injuries. These types of injuries can be catastrophic and may even prevent you from living your best life. Brain injuries happen whenever there is a jolt, bump, or extreme force that is applied to the head that causes immense pain and diminishes your ability to cognitively function like you normally would.

Determining Whether or Not You Have a Brain Injury

Getting hit in the head while on the job or in someone’s shop can hurt but you may not feel the lasting effects of it right away. Determining you have a brain injury is oftentimes done by a medical professional who can do a CT-Scan or X-ray on your brain to find any kind of swelling, bleeding or more. However, you can use this evidence to determine if you should seek help if you start to experience:

  • A constant headache that begins to worsen over time and won’t go away
  • Losing consciousness after your head injury
  • You experience constant nausea and have vomited multiple times
  • You are experiencing convulsions or seizures when you normally don’t
  • The ability to wake up from your sleep becomes incredibly difficult if you aren’t stirred from your sleep vigorously
  • Your speech becomes suddenly slurred
  • You experience weakness in your extremities
  • Your balance become off-centered and you experience constant dizziness
  • Your overall cognitive behavior and functions change

Presenting The Evidence

Unfortunately, presenting the evidence that you have developed a brain injury from a recent accident can be more difficult than you realize. The problem with this is that visual evidence is not likely to sway a jury that you have experienced a brain injury. The defendant may make the case that you are simply “making up” the symptoms we have listed before. How could a jury possibly understand what is happening inside of you whenever you seem fine on the outside? Fortunately, there are a few ways that can help prove your case so that you may receive compensation for your injury.

Demonstrating With Medical Evidence

As we mentioned before, CT-scans, X-rays, and other medical information will help prove that you have a brain injury. These demonstrative aids will help sway the jury in most cases that you are in fact suffering from a brain injury. However, medical evidence isn’t enough sometimes and you have to look to other resources to improve your chances of winning this case.

Bringing in The Witnesses

Bringing in any witness that you can to help explain your plea is one of the most important things that you can do. Bringing in witnesses such as doctors, witnesses on the scene, or friends and family that can speak on your behalf are one of the greatest ways to help persuade the jury. Fortunately, if you have been affected by a brain injury a medical doctor will more often than not want to testify on your behalf so that you receive the medical care that you deserve.

Reasons for Seeking Compensation

If you have been injured on the job site or in a public place that is owned by a business and an accident occurs due to negligence you are entitled to seeking compensation. The medical costs that are associated with brain injuries are not cheap and your life may be turned upside down in the blink of an eye because of it. Here is a list of reasons why you want to take legal action if you have been injured due to negligence:

  • You make a stance that companies cannot get away with negligence
  • You can handle the ongoing medical bills that you will be given to take care of yourself
  • Compensation can make up for any time loss at work 
  • Receiving compensation can also help you with grievances that this injury and scenario has caused you