In today’s time, we frequently hear the term Digital Marketing and we all think that we kind of know what actually it is. This thinking sometimes limits the scope and opportunity that the complete Digital Marketing landscape can actually offer. This is why, when it comes to nailing digital marketing down, we either turn dumbfounded or get stuck.

To come out of such scenarios, it is very important to know the different types of Digital Marketing opportunities that are available to your business.

According to Salesforce, 75% Of Total Marketing Budget Will Go To Digital Marketing by 2021.

Now that’s going to be a massive change. Start Digital marketing today depends upon different types of audience interactions. It revolves around managing and harnessing of different types of Digital Marketing Channels. And sometimes they might be a bit difficult to deal with.

That is exactly why we came up with this post to help you know how many types of Digital Marketing Channels are available to you. Once you know these channels, and the optimal way to use each, you will be in a perfect position to craft a perfect Digital Marketing Strategy and execute it well.

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Therefore, without further ado, let us go through below given five types of Digital Marketing. We will answer your question of how many types of digital marketing tactics are there and we will also make you understand which one will serve your business objectives the best.

5 Types Of Digital Marketing

You may want to make people find your website, have a look at your products, understand your services or get to know about your offers. For all this, you need promotions of different sorts. When this promotion is in its totality done by a sphere of online promotional activities, it is together called Digital Marketing.

So, in essence, various types of digital marketing channels & tactics come together to give rise to Digital Marketing.

By now, you should be clear in your understanding of what Digital Marketing actually is. And if it makes you feel excited to learn it in details, you can check out our digital marketing course.

Now, let us explore each of these platforms that are used for online promotions & visibility.

1. Search Engine Marketing & PPC

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is one of the most primary types of Digital Marketing activities that help businesses gain market online via Ads on search engines such as Google, Bing or Yahoo.

SEM assists in optimizing the brand presence and conversions for businesses through paid and unpaid advertising.

earch Engine Marketing & PPC

Unpaid SEM is SEO while Paid SEM is PPC.

PPC is one of the speediest types of Digital Marketing channels that drives targeted traffic to your web pages and related services.

PPC can be understood as buying traffic via paid search listings that help marketers get more web traffic through desktop and mobile web searches.

There are different synonyms and acronyms related to SEM such as Paid search ads, Paid search advertising, PPC (pay-per-click), PPC (pay-per-call), CPC (cost-per-click), and CPM (cost-per-thousand impressions).

The formula to calculate PPC is: Pay per click ($) = Advertising cost ($) ÷ Number of ad clicks

PPC is from types of Digital Marketing tactics that helps marketers channelize an Online Advertising System for driving online traffic to their websites by paying a certain price to the publisher when their paid Ad is clicked.

Entities involved in PPC Advertising are:


  1. Product Seller
  2. PPC Marketer
  3. Landing Page
  4. Landing Page Provider
  5. The viewer or the Visitor

PPC or Paid SEM works best for businesses that have a good spending plan and can afford costlier ways to gain traffic and ensure better online recognition in the quickest turnaround.

Using such types of Digital Marketing strategies needs Adwords management services who can exploit the paid advertising in the most targeted and result-driven campaigns.

2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization helps marketers enhance the ranking of a site or website page in the unpaid “organic” search lists. SEO is from the types of Digital Marketing activities, businesses can make their website pages rank higher in the SERPs by increasing visibility, reach, authority and Alexa scores.

In case you did not understand what a SERP means, its the short form for Search Engine Results Page. 

SEO helps you gain higher positions in search results naturally. It means that it helps you to get more visitors, awareness, traffic, digital branding, leads, and conversions.

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization works around some of the well-characterized set of principles such as optimizing a page for specific keywords, and managing links from different sites that also use similar kinds of keywords, and so forth.

Manipulating the Search Engine framework is no more a prudent practice as your site can be penalized via Google’s Penguin update. So, you need to play it all clean.

Some Of The Most Notable SEO Practices Are:

  • High-Quality Content
  • Guest Blogging
  • Images and Videos
  • Public Relations
  • Direct Mail
  • Social Presence
  • Collateral Material
  • Meta Data
  • Brand Evangelism, etc.

Different Steps Involved In Making A Site SEO Friendly Are:

1. Choosing SEO Friendly Website Domain

2. Knowing SEO Tactics & Methods

  • White Hat SEO
  • Black Hat SEO (Never ever use these gray tactics)

3. Use of SEO friendly Design & Layout

4. Optimization of Keywords, Meta Tags, Title and Anchor

5. Link Building and Mobile SEO

6. Knowing activities performed by Search engines such as crawling, indexing, processing, calculating relevancy and retrieving results

7. On Page and Off Page SEO

8. SEO Copywriting, etc

SEO is one of the most evergreen Digital Marketing types that help businesses enjoy great recognition in front of their target base and the needed authority and reputation in the eyes of Search Engines as well.

3. Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Social Media Marketing is from the youngest and most popular types of Digital Marketing that help marketers advance their brand image in a most powerful and trendy manner.

SMM is nowadays preferred by different businesses for optimizing the image of a brand, business, product, or an individual. We all are mostly aware of different social networks around us such as Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Snapchat Pinterest, etc.

In addition to these, there are niche networks, discussions, forums, dynamic blog groups and the places wherever two-way discussion happens comes under the radar of Social Media Marketing.

Creating and distributing quality content in a well-targeted manner is the base of successful SMM campaigns.

Different Steps To Successful Social Media Marketing

Different Steps To Successful Social Media Marketing

  1. Research and know your audience
  2. Pick your Social Platforms
  3. Pick your KPIs
  4. Write a Social Media Playbook
  5. Align your company with your plan
  6. Schedule an hour each week to Schedule post
  7. Create a Content Bank
  8. Post Relevant Content
  9. Treat All Social Channels Separately
  10. Do Reporting and Reanalyzing

The latest in Social Media Marketing is Social Media Ads that businesses should know how to use to ensure better use of these platforms.

Let us understand different types of Ads that you can run on Social Channels.

Types Of Facebook Ads

  • Photo Ads
  • Video Ads
  • Carousel
  • Slideshow
  • Canvas

Types Of LinkedIn Ads

  • Display Ads
  • Sponsored InMail
  • Sponsored content
  • Text Ads
  • Dynamic Ads

Types Of Twitter Ads

  • Promoted Tweets
  • Promoted Account
  • Promoted Trends

Types Of Instagram Ads

  • Photo
  • Video
  • Carousel

Types Of Snapchat Ads

  • Snap Ads
  • Sponsored Geofilters (for larger companies) or on-demand Geofilters (for smaller brands)
  • Sponsored lenses

Businesses that see their target audiences on Social networks should always opt for these types of Digital Marketing techniques, as it quite easily widens the reach of businesses and ensures better branding and recognition and hence conversions.

4. Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the oldest types of Digital Marketing that is still highly contemporary and fruitful. Marketers use emails for developing relationships with their potential and existing customers that help them generate leads and ensure their conversions.

Email Marketing

Email Marketing includes the best ways to establish deeper relationships with a wider audience for the nominal cost than your total spends on traditional media.

Goals of an Email Marketing Campaign are:

  • Driving new signups for specific products and services
  • Creating new and powerful leads for your sales team
  • Targeting more attendees for your event in a result driven manner
  • Converting more leads for your cause

Steps that You Need to use To Run Email Marketing Campaigns are:

  1. Know the components of Email Campaigns
  2. Know ways to get permission for Email Sign Up
  3. Use effective Email Marketing Content & Landing Pages
  4. Avoid being spammed and black-listed
  5. Use best Email Automation Tools
  6. Do Segmentation and utilize Email Marketing Metrics
  7. Use Email Marketing Follow Ups

Different Email Marketing Components that You Can Use are:

  • Newsletter
  • Announcements
  • Event Invitation
  • Marketing Offer

Email Marketing is advisable for all kinds of businesses as it is highly cost-effective and considered as the best types of Digital Marketing that ensure best conversions.

5. Content Marketing

Content Marketing is one of the most important types of Digital Marketing that revolve around the management and execution of different written, engaging, downloadable and visual Digital Media Content.

Content Marketing

Content Marketing focuses on attracting and converting targeted audiences into customers by designing, publishing, promoting, distributing and sharing valuable and relevant free content on different digital marketing channels. According to Copyblogger:

Things To Pay Heed To When Making A Content Marketing Plan

  • Your target audiences
  • The problem your Content is going to solve
  • USP of your Content Marketing Campaign
  • Possible Content Marketing formats you can use
  • Possible channels to publish and share your content
  • Awareness about Content Management System, content creation, curation, and publication

 Content Marketing Plan

Best Content Marketing Techniques

  • Blogs
  • E-Books
  • Podcasts & Webinars
  • Workbooks & Templates
  • Landing Pages
  • Emails
  • Blogs
  • Infographics
  • Videos
  • Social Media

5 Steps To Do Content Marketing

  1. Define your goal and conduct a persona research
  2. Determine a Content Management System & brainstorm content ideas
  3. Know which types of content would be the best fit for your Business
  4. Start a blog and post at least once a week
  5. Publish and manage your content

Content is the base of all types of Digital Marketing and having a proper Content Marketing Strategy ensures better creation, channelization, and conversions for a business.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, this article has answered your question of how many types of digital marketing activities are there.

Now the million dollar question to answer is, how to create a strategy that combines all the different types of digital marketing activities and produces sure results?

We know that all Digital Marketing Channels produce results. But each of them needs to be utilized well to produce ‘optimal’ results. Generally, only trained and experienced Marketers can do that. Creating a perfect working strategy doesn’t come easy. You need the expertise to craft one.

Which channel gives more ROI and which one is easier to execute can’t be ascertained by common sense. For someone who has years of experience in the Digital Marketing company or industry, the job might be easy. And even then, this industry keeps on changing and evolving every single day.

Digital Marketing Strategies that worked a year ago are obsolete now. At times, you might be even penalized by Search Engines for following old techniques that are now seen as spammy.

As you have seen, there are different types of Digital Marketing Channels & each one would require a different type of Digital Marketing Strategy. All this makes creating the best working methodology a struggle, especially for a new entrant.

Importance of a Digital Marketing Course

In such a situation where creating a perfect Digital Marketing Strategy would require a lot of hit and trial on the part of a newbie. Even when you know the basic strategies of using a channel optimally, it is a lot more sensible to take a Digital Marketing Course and save yourself a lot of testing budget.

Businesses entering the sphere of Digital Marketing should train their teams on the latest in Digital Marketing. Similarly, to be an awesome practitioner of Digital Marketing, professionals should invest time in learning it. The Digital Marketing Strategies, the Case Studies & the demonstrated experience of the trainers is always going to help you in creating the perfect Digital Marketing Strategy for your Business.