With Google Maps you can find your way faster and easier. Find the best places in the city and the information you need to get there.
Travel faster with real-time updates
• Avoid traffic jams thanks to real-time arrival times and information about the traffic situation
• Get your bus, train or shared ride with real-time transportation information
• Save time with automatic recalculation of the route based on live traffic information and information about accidents and road closures
• Do not miss your turn or exit thanks to lane guidance
• Find the best places for a stopover along your route such as gas stations and coffee bars
Discover places and explore them as the locals do
• Find the top rated restaurants and local businesses, wherever you are
• Decide where you want to go based on reviews, reviews and photos of dishes and interiors
• Plan your visit and view menus, book a table and discover when it is on average busy or quiet at a place
• Help others discover the best places by sharing reviews, photos, and more
• Save places that you visit or want to visit more often and quickly find them later on a computer or mobile device
Discover the difference that Google Maps can make
• Offline maps that you can search and navigate without an internet connection
• Street View images and interior photos of restaurants, shops, museums and more
• Maps with which you can quickly find your way at large locations such as airports, shopping centers and stadiums
• Comprehensive, accurate maps in 220 countries and territories
• Public transport timetables and tickets for more than 15,000 cities
• Detailed company information for more than 100 million places
* Some functions are not available in all countries
* The constant use of GPS in the background can considerably reduce the battery life.