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Troubleshooting and Care, and What To Do Before Calling the Plumber

Troubleshooting and Care, and What To Do Before Calling the Plumber

When it comes to your plumbing, prevention is better than cure. And while it may be tempting to let small problems continue unaddressed, just because your systems are okay now does not mean they will remain so in the future. Misuse and abuse of plumbing systems can cause emergencies later, which can mean a significant bill from your local plumber that could’ve been avoided if the issue had been addressed before it worsened. Below are some things to consider when it comes to your plumbing, and how to troubleshoot small problems.

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If none of those methods worked, or if you have been able to temporarily fix an issue but feel it’s only a matter of time before it returns to its original state, it may be time to call in an expert. It isn’t enough to just look for a plumber on your chosen search engine. For quality service, it really pays to do your research. And because you used the tips above, there’s a good chance that you won’t have to pay the sometimes added cost of calling out for emergency plumbing services too. But what do you really need to know when it comes to hiring Perth plumbers?

1. Get community recommendations

Often, asking for recommendations from people in the community about their trusted plumbers can be extremely helpful to get you started. Not only do you have the guarantee of good and efficient service, but you will have an idea of the cost and their skills.

2. Use Google

That said; do not just rely on word-of-mouth recommendations. There are a myriad of plumbers available and the one best suited for your plumbing issue may be one you have yet to hear about.

3. Read up on each company’s FAQ

Companies put a lot of information on their FAQ pages that can be really helpful for you to narrow down your list of plumbers to call and see if they are a good fit for your needs.

4. Check for call-out fees

A cursory glance at most plumbing websites may not provide you with a tangible quote to work with immediately but check if they charge for call-outs and assessments if the information is available.

5. Keep in mind your location

Plumbers who work in your suburb will have a deeper knowledge of common plumbing problems in the area, and may already have first-hand experience fixing an issue that may be common to your area, be it north or south of the river.

6. Do a certification check, and see if the prospective plumber undergoes training regularly

Qualified plumbers should be able to provide certifications are required. Most plumbing companies will state if their plumbers undergo regular training to keep their skills up to date, too.

7. Check for warranty

If the information is available, check what type of warranty is offered, whether it is material manufacturer warranty or warranty for job done in case your system may need further repairs or something is faulty.

8. State-of-the-art equipment

This goes hand in hand with regular training. Skilled, updated plumbers will have both the knowledge and the confidence to fix plumbing issues with the latest equipment available.

9. Ask about insurance cover

To protect both you and your plumber, see if there is information about them having insurance in place for possible accidents or damage to your home.

10. Call around, compare prices

Of course, most of this information may not be readily available. Call and talk to them about your plumbing issue, and ask for whatever information you may not already have. But don’t hire the first plumber you call! Compare the quotes you receive.

11. Be mindful of pricing

It may be easy to go with the cheapest quote you are given, but consider that there is a standard hourly rate. If your cheapest quote is well below this, it may be that this plumber may not have the right certifications necessary for the job.

12. Be proactive, is this issue classified as an emergency?

While you may have been able to address the issue with temporary fixes, some plumbing problems can run deep and may require action sooner rather than later, so you don’t end up with bigger problems down the line.

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