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Kendrick Lamar Quotes To Motivate You & Boost You Up!

kendrick lamar quotes

Every rap star has zeal in their lives and looks at life in an entirely different vision. And Kendrick Lamar is no different. The songs he releases have an inner meaning which gives audiences a wonderful motivation and vibe. And that’s what compels people to look out for Kendrick Lamar quotes.

As much as his songs are famous today, people love to listen to what motivational talk he gives as well. So, to help your search come to one, I’ve come up with the top quotations by Kendrick Lamar, which is surely going to teach you a lot.

Let’s dig deep and find out what the top quotations are and much more in the following segments!

8 Kendrick Lamar Quotes

Quotations are like an overall tonic for our lives. We consume this to live our lives in a much more proper manner and ensure that we’re engrossing all the good things! Kendrick Lamar is a personality who has given a boost to many struggling youngsters, older people, and more. So, if you’re looking out for the slightest inspiration, read on. Here is a list that’ll talk about inspiration, motivation, and much more!

So, let’s check what the Kendrick Lamar quotes tell us:

1. Live Life Differently!

‘Live your life, live it right. Be different, do different things.’

This quote, clearly told us to live life in an entirely different way! The more we go out to do different things, we’ll stand out from the others, and hence our life will be led in the perfect way. Kendrick Lamar, through this quote, tells us that the right way to live life is to live it differently.

2. Have faith in yourself and God.

Life will put many red lights in front of you, but sometimes we must push on the gas and trust God”

This Kendrick Lamar quote is inspiring no matter who you are and what you do. The quote tells you that sometimes, you are going to face hurdles in life. But sometimes, you need to gather courage and fight these hurdles. You need to have faith in not only yourself but also in God. And you’d soon see that the worst has passed.

3. Don’t hate your imperfections

“Don’t you know your imperfections is a blessing.”

This quote helps you accept yourself. You might think that your imperfections make you flawed. You start having a negative impression of yourself because of your imperfections. But this quote tells you that you should treat your imperfections as blessings. They make you unique, and they help you see the difference in others and appreciate them anyway.

4. Know your worth

“Sometimes you just need to distance yourself from people…if they care, they’ll notice. If they don’t, you know where you stand.”

It is necessary that you know your own worth. Thus, you need to distance yourself from the people in your life sometimes to see who really values you. The ones who notice your distancing are the ones who value your presence in their lives. And the ones who don’t, are the ones who do not know your worth. So make sure you understand how important are and surround yourself with people who care.

5. Love yourself first

“But what love got to do with it when you don’t love yourself?”

The quote tells us that we need to love ourselves before loving somebody or something else. We often tolerate wrong things for love but forget to love ourselves in the first place. Moreover, we tell ourselves that we are performing an action for love even though doing it might harm us. And that is not right. Kendrick Lamar tells us that self-love is the most important.

6. Take advantage of what you were given and aim for the stars

“Take advantage. Do your best, don’t stress. You was granted everything inside this planet, anything you imagine, you posses.”

Nothing is impossible. You need to take advantage of all the opportunities you get and aim for the stars. You cannot just give up because things seem difficult at first. Everything seems to be difficult at first, but that doesn’t mean you should give up. The quote tells you to stress less and work more. Only then can you achieve your goals.

7. You are the only one who can decide your future

“We all get distracted, the question is, would you bounce back or bounce backwards?”

It is normal for us to get distracted in our path of life. We often lose sight of our goal and get side-tracked. But the real question is, if you will let yourself get side-tracked and hence fail, or bounce back. The turning points in our lives are those moments when we make choices and decisions. Make sure you make yours wisely.

8. It’s okay to make mistakes

“We’re all human at the end of the day, making mistakes. But learn from them is the key.”

It is human nature to make mistakes. You will make them at some point in life, and that is absolutely normal. One shouldn’t beat themselves up for making a mistake. What matters is not why you made a mistake but what you learn from it. So make sure you focus on the lesson of the mistake rather than crying about making a mistake.

Final Thoughts

Kendrick Lamar is one of those people who dedicated his life and craft to inspiring and helping people. He tries to help people through his music, his quotes, and his motivational talk. We hope that you have learned something new today from his quotes and will implement them in your daily life.

Lastly, do express your thoughts on these quotes in the comments. We would love to read what you have to say!

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