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Is Yuri On Ice On Hulu & Other Platforms?

is yuri on ice on hulu

Anime is usually known for its long run and character development. Thus, a very small number of anime develop a good reputation after just one season. If you are a weeb, that is, if you love to watch anime, you might have heard of this one. Yuri!!! On ICE is one of those anime that came out a few years ago and has only one season, but people still love it.

This one is a sports anime because the protagonists of the series are professional figure skaters. The story of Yuri!!! On ICE is inspiring and very interesting to watch. It explores a world that is not often talked about.

If you are interested in watching the anime or just want to re-watch it, you might be wondering, Is Yuri On Ice On Hulu? Well, if you are, we will help you know where you can watch the series and how.

What is Yuri On Ice?

This anime was released in 2016 in the form of twelve episodes. One of the reasons anime is so popular is because it’s produced by MAPPA. If you are familiar with the world of anime, you’ll know that almost everyone loves anime made by MAPPA. And coming to the writing, Sayo Yamamoto has done an incredible job at writing the anime. If you’ve watched the anime or even seen clips of it, you’ll appreciate the way the characters are designed. Tadashi Hiramatsu is the person behind the character designs.

Coming to the plot of the anime, we find characters who are passionate about figure skating. We are going to be careful not to give you any spoilers. So without revealing names and incidents, all we can say is that the anime revolves around a figure skater who loses his hopes but finds them again when his idol decides to coach him. There are many other sub-plots in this series, but this is the one that drives the anime. And if you wish to know more, you need to watch it.

Is Yuri On Ice On Hulu?

Due to the massive popularity of the anime, people are often asking, Is Yuri On Ice On Hulu? But unfortunately, it is not. Currently, people are hoping that the anime will be streamed on Hulu, but nothing has been confirmed yet. But there are a few other options you can try.

Other OTT Platforms Yuri Streams On!


If you really want to watch the anime, you can watch it on Netflix. However, you need to be in Japan for you to watch Yuri!!! On ICE on Netflix. But yes, there are ways by which you can watch it on Netflix from anywhere in the world.

Follow the following steps:


If you don’t live under a rock, you will know very well that Crunchyroll is one of the biggest anime streaming platforms in the world. It truly has a wide range of anime you can watch by paying a small price. While a lot of people shy away from the app as it charges money for a better viewing experience, the platform deserves a chance. You can watch Yuri!!! on ICE on Crunchyroll by following the given steps.

Why should you watch Yuri!!! On ICE

If you ask someone who loves anime why one should watch Yuri!!! On ICE, they can give you hundreds of reasons, but we believe you need only a few to be sure that you need to watch it.

Final Thoughts

Yuri!!! On ICE is one of the best anime ever made, according to anime fans. It has a beautiful story, well-made characters, and a plot that makes you want to watch more.

The answer to that Is Yuri On Ice On Hulu might be no, but you can certainly check out other platforms to watch the anime. Just doing a few adjustments here and there can ensure you a good time while watching the anime.

What are your thoughts regarding this anime and our suggestions? Tell us in the comments below.

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